Exercising regularly, everyday if possible, is the single most important thing you can do for your health. In our school, Jaipur School, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, we celebrated Fitness week under “Fit India Movement” activity for students and staff as per CBSE Circular No. –ACAD-68/2019. Such movements in the school will also instil in students the understanding for regular physical activity and higher level of fitness enhancing in them self – esteem and confidence.
The six days schedule detail is as under:(i) In the assembly time, a talk about Yoga and Nutrition was given by our school Physical Education teacher Mr. Keshav Singh.
(ii) Various yogasans were conducted in the assembly.
(ii) Free – Hand exercises were done.
A Poster making competition was conducted in our school by the Art teacher Mrs. Sheetal Chundawat.
(i) Physical activities like Aerobics, Yoga, Dance, Skating, Karate, Gymnastics etc. were conducted.
(ii) An essay writing/ poem writing competition was conducted by our English teacher Mrs. Sarita Govil.
A fitness/ Sports quiz was organized by the Librarian Mrs. Sunita Agarwal.
Many activities and games were conducted at picnic spots. Activities conducted included tyre climbing, wall activity, rope climbing, balancing on a wall, tang guli games etc. by our physical education teacher Mr. Keshav Singh.