The Code of conduct

The Code of conduct is aimed at creating a harmonious community, for which self-discipline is vital. Hence, apart from what is mentioned in the code, rules and regulation communicated by the School from time to time need to be adhered to. The Code of Conduct of the school is subject to amendment in keeping with the interest of the school and changing times.

General guidelines.. Do’s

  1. English is the medium of instruction in our school therefore it is compulsory for all the students and teachers to converse in English in the school premises.
  2. Adhere to the school timings, attendance/leave policy, uniform guidelines, library rules, sports code of conduct and school norms and policies as laid out from time to time.
  3. Movement of the students in the school campus should be orderly, quiet and purposeful.
  4. At a time only two students per class are allowed for conveniences/washroom against a pass issued by the teacher.
  5. Students should endeavor to keep up the high standard of the school, by showing respect for teachers, elders, guests, supporting staff/ground staff including school guard, baiji, auto/van staff etc.
  6. Keep the school campus clean and tidy.
  7. Students are expected to carry their school diary regularly. Every student should have his or her text book, stationery and other required materials.
  8. It is expected that the juniors be treated with love and affection, while the juniors show respect to their seniors and compassion towards their peers.
  9. Visitors and friends are not allowed to meet students during the school hours.
  10. Students must take care of their personal property. In case of any loss, if reported in time and if found, it will be returned to the student.
  11. The school is strictly against corporal punishment. Incidents of indiscipline are dealt with care by all the faculty and staff members.


  1. Parents are requested not to give cash to anybody if it is not mentioned in diary with teacher’s signature. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is made in the school without the permission of the Principal.
  2. Parents are earnestly requested not to give any personal gifts to staff members/support staff.
  3. Undesirable behavior in the classroom/corridors/library/A.V. room/labs/auto/van is not permitted.
  4. Using unfair means in the examination by a student will be considered as a serious offence. Repetition of the same will result in disciplinary action.
  5. Distribution of expensive goodies to other students on birthdays is not permitted.
  6. Parents are requested not to visit the classroom of their children without permission.
  7. Littering is not permitted.
  8. Plucking of flowers is not permitted.
  9. Mobile phones or other gadgets are not permitted in the school. If any mobile phone or gadget etc is found during a surprise check, it will be confiscated and will not be returned at all.
  10. Don’t bring the any prohibited/harmful items/objects to the school.

Incidence(s) for Disciplinary action

The school reserves the right to take a disciplinary action in case of misconduct or violation of rules and regulations of the school by any child. The following reasons may call for immediate disciplinary action against students who are caught and found guilty of:

  1. Stealing or damaging school assets and property.
  2. Using unfair means in the examination even after repeated warnings.
  3. Smoking, chewing tobacco, betel nut, drugs etc.
  4. Indulging in inappropriate behavior (includes use of abusive language, defiance, disrespect, insubordination, disruption, non-compliance, physical aggression, theft, harassment, bullying, inappropriate display of affection and lying).
  5. Ragging
  6. Coming late to school habitually
  7. Possessing obscene books, pictures, video, audio cassettes etc.
  8. Bullying:
    • Directly (e.g. through physical intimidation or attacks, verbal abuse, unwanted attention and advances, damaging property), or
    • Indirectly (e.g. through spreading malicious rumours) or
    • Cyber-bullying (e.g. sending unpleasant messages, photographs or email) against a fellow student or any member of the staff.
    • Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished.

9. As per the CBSE Circular No. Acad.-17/2015 dated 09th March, 2015, the School Management as per observation and understanding the gravity of the misconduct shall undertake the following actions:

    • Oral/written warning.
    • Suspension from attending classes/school for a specified period.
    • Withholding or cancelling the results.
    • Imposition of fine upto a specified amount.
    • Expulsion/rustication from school in rarest of rare cases.

Note: If parents are found in any act of bullying, inappropriate behavior with Management/Principal/school teachers/staff or any other action which is not acceptable, they shall be liable for disciplinary action which may lead to suspension/expulsion of their ward from the school.

Disciplinary action

The school has a Zero tolerance policy to address the needs of the school for discipline that can maintain school safety, while maximizing student opportunity to learn. Discipline is of paramount importance in grooming a child to be a good citizen. We request the total cooperation of parents to ensure that the child obeys the school rules implicitly. By removing students who engage in disruptive behavior, the aim of the Zero Tolerance policy is to deter others from disruption, and create an improved climate for those students who remain.

Instances of alcohol, smoking, drugs, fighting, bullying, damage to school property, defiance of school authority and any violent act will entail immediate dismissal from the school. The Management reserves the right to remove a student from the school due to the gravity of these offences.

All incidents that infringe the school rules are taken note of and recorded on Incident Slips. The disciplinary steps relating to cases of escalating acts of indiscipline are given below:

The Principal must be informed of all incidents leading to the issue of Incident Slips. Yellow and Red Card cases will be dealt with by the Principal, after referrals from the Teachers, Coordinators, other Staff and Counselors.